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Monday, September 3, 2012

I can walk!

My first week of working out I tried the 30 Day Shred. I have done that video in the past but never stuck with it and I don't know if I'm in worse shape than last time I tried it (probably) or if I just blocked out the memory of it but wow! Level 1 is only about 20 minutes long and I almost puked. And the next day, I was so sore that I could barely walk. Then I started looking around the message boards on MFP and saw some before and after pictures of people that had done the whole video and was suddenly a little more motivated to stick with it. I found a group on there that was going to do it together starting September 1. I did zumba on Saturday and my feet were so sore (having major arch problems- possibly plantar fasciitis) that I put it off till Sunday. But when I did it on Sunday, I felt great and was able to do pretty much the whole thing without stopping- push-ups are still hard but overall, I was impressed with the progress for it only being my second time. The best news is that when I got up today, I was sore but nothing like the last time. I probably could push myself and do it again tonight but I have school tomorrow and I would like to be able to walk up and down the stairs so I will probably put it off till tomorrow night or Wednesday. I have a lot to do today but I think I will take the dogs out later. Poor Harvey has been neglected with walks this week. We got a temporary foster for the holiday weekend and the poor guy has bad hips and I feel bad leaving him behind to walk Harv so we haven't done a whole lot. This is my first real temp foster and it is hard. When you foster a dog, it's usually a happy day when you give them up because they are going to a forever home but this temp is being fostered by a doggy day care. Don't get me wrong- the doggy daycare is great for taking him and I know they give him lots of attention but it's not the same as being in a home. I don't have a choice but to give him back tomorrow though. I moved back in with the folks over the summer and while I'm here, only temp fosters are allowed. It's hard on my parent's cat (it's bad enough he has to put up with Harvey all the time) and to be honest, I think Harvey does like being the only dog. Even if I was still in my old house, it was just a rental so I probably couldn't have had foster dogs and if I did, I would have to pay even more on the deposit. That's more motivation to buy my own house. I have trouble saying no to fosters though so with my luck, I'll end up with 10 dogs and who knows what else. Okay back to work for me. Btw, when I type up these posts, I do have paragraphs but they just post as one lump?? What's up with that? If I can't figure out how to fix it, I might have to change blogs after all.

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